
У статті на прикладі представників українського та юдейського етносів проаналізовано моральні імперативи міжнаціонального порозуміння в новелі М. Матіос «Апокаліпсис». Соціокультурна дихотомія «свій» / «чужий» між українцями та євреями насамперед виявляється на релігійному рівні. Підґрунтям функціональності цього явища є релігійні особливості, мовний простір, рефлективні уявлення особи чи групи осіб. Polyethnicity of Bukovina is due to historical socio-political processes. Ukrainian and Romanian ethnic groups dominated in the Bukovina, but more than 102 thousand Jews lived there. The question of Ukrainians and Jews’ coexistence peculiarities is not only political, scientific and cultural interest, but also artistic. In the folk and literary traditions (both Ukrainian and foreign), the Jewish theme was mainly interpreted negatively, but the end of the nineteenth century has already been marked by the development of artistic interpretations in the problems of Jewry. New artistic versions of the Jewish people’ comprehension fate and their coexistence with other nations are presented in the modern literary space. From these positions an issue of interethnic understanding is interesting and relevant in the short story «Apocalypse» by M. Matios. In the short story «Apocalypse» M. Matios observes the villagers’ life from the beginning of the twentieth century until 1965. Timothy Sanduliak’s story as an omniscient narrator is considered the issue also from the retrospective image of relations with the neighbors Mashhalery. Both families’ life flew in accordance with their customs, the laws of faith, which they professed. But the basic commandments of God, both Orthodox and Jewish were identical and love for one's neighbor was one of them. Between Ukrainians and Jews the socio-cultural dichotomy «I» / «stranger» is appeared at the religious level. The basis of this phenomenon functionality is religious features, linguistic space, reflective representations of a person or group of individuals. In the short story «Apocalypse» by M. Matios the moral imperatives of interethnic understanding are focused in the phrase about three crowns – the Torah, the Kingdom and a good name. The first is to be understood as faith and not so important for the Jewish or the Christian, because the main God's commandments are the same they are based on love and respect for your neighbor. The crown of initiatic service must be interpreted as serving the native people, the crown of the kingdom must be interpreted as life. The crown of a good name is the most important, because it is a testimony to human nature, spirit. This fact lays the main emphasis on mutual understanding, respect for the neighbor, sensitivity and chastity, kindness, spiritual generosity, the ability to love, to forgive, to admit one’s mistakes, the ability to correct them are the main virtues of a person, and, therefore, it is the basis of interethnic understanding.

Authors and Affiliations

Valentina Nikolayenko


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Valentina Nikolayenko (2017). МОРАЛЬНІ ІМПЕРАТИВИ МІЖНАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ПОРОЗУМІННЯ В НОВЕЛІ М. МАТІОС «АПОКАЛІПСИС». Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(17), 53-57. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-432854