Morphogenetic ability in vitro of the genus Centaurea Kleop species of Ukrainian flora
Journal Title: Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів - Year 2017, Vol 15, Issue 1
Aim. The purpose of the work was to introduce into the aseptic culture two endemic and one common species of the Centaurea genus (C. breviceps, C. steveniana and C. stoebe) and to identify their ability to different types of morphogenesis. Methods. The methods of plant tissue and cell culture in vitro are used in this work. Seeds and parts of the seedlings derived from seeds were primary cultivating material. The nutritional medium of Murashige Skoog was used as a base. The seeds were sprouted according to Nikolaeva’s methods and their own modifications. Results. Seedlings C. breviceps, C. steveniana and C. stoebe were obtained. Ability to vegetative reproduction in vitro by cutting and forming non-morphogenic callus of C. breviceps plants have been shown. C. steveniana explants formed morphogenic callus and vegetative and generative shoots-regenerants from it, as well as they were able to the shoot direct regeneration (microcloning) from the segments of the stem. C. stoebe did not form the adventitious buds on stem explants, but revealed the ability to mass regeneration from leafy and petiolate explants. Conclusions. Morphogenesis in vitro of the various speces of Centaurea genus have both type and tissue specificity, and depends on explants. The investigated species are able to the following types of morphogenesis: forming of callus, direct and indirect regeneration of adventitious buds and shoots from them, forming of generative shoots.Keywords: Centaurea, rare endemic plants, in vitro morphogenesis.
Authors and Affiliations
A. V. Golubenko, V. I. Didenko, O. V. Voytsekhivska, N. Yu. Taran
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