Morphometric characteristics of stomata of plants Philadelphus L. genus in connection with their drought resistance


The results of the study of the size and density of stomata of plants of such species of the Philadelphus L. genus from the collection of arboretum M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine: Ph. brachybotrys Koehne, Ph. × floribundus, Ph. incanus Koehne, Ph. magdalenae Koehne, Ph. satsumanus Miq., Ph. schrenkii Rupr. et Maxim., Ph. tenuifolius Rupr. et Maxim. is presented in this article. Plants of the Philadelphus genus are not native for Ukraine. An important indicator of the adaptation of alien plants to new environmental conditions is their ability to withstand arid periods of the year. One of the methods that helps to determine the potential drought tolerance of plants is studying of the size of stomata and their number per unit area of the leaf surface. Xerophitic plants have more stomata per unit area of the leaf blade and their size is smaller. The aim of the work was to determine the indices of stomata of plants of the Philadelphus genus and to estimate drought tolerance of plants depending on the size of the stomata and their density. The condition of the respiratory apparatus was determined by making of epidermal imprints. The stomata was seen under a Primo Star light microscope with an increase of × 40. To capture the actual material a Canon PowerShot A640 digital camera equipped with a microscope was used. Measurements of length and width of stomata were did on a computer using the license program Axio Vision Releace 4.7. According to morphometric characteristics of the stomata the most resistant to drought are Ph. brachybotrys and Ph. schrenkii because they have the smallest sizes of their stomata (18,4 ± 0,34 × 8,26 ± 0,16 mkm and 18,64 ± 0,28 ×8,1±0,15 mkm accordingly) and more amount of stomta in mm2 (151,72 ± 9,22 and 130,98 ± 7,54 accordingly). Potentially the least sustainability in arid period of the year have plants of Ph. incanus and Ph. × floribundus. The sizes of their stomata are one of the largest and the density – one of the smallest.

Authors and Affiliations

Yu. Krugliak


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  • EP ID EP525026
  • DOI 10.31861/biosystems2018.02.193
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How To Cite

Yu. Krugliak (2018). Morphometric characteristics of stomata of plants Philadelphus L. genus in connection with their drought resistance. Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 10(2), 193-197.