Motor abilities of women and men conditioned by somatic features
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2006, Vol 16, Issue 34
Among somatic features which contribute to higher motor achievements of men in comparison with those of women first of all the greater body height and mass as well as more favorable proportions of the active tissue to the passive (fat) are pointed out. It was assumed that only comparison of motor ability in both sexes on the same level of somatic parameters could give credible results. Therefore the experimental groups were formed from couples of individuals of opposite gender and identical values of respective features of body build. The results of investigations were presented in two studies [2, 3]. In the first of them the differences of motor ability between both sexes were discussed after elimination of prevailing body height and mass of men, in the second study differences between motor ability of women and men with the same amount of body fat. Results of these both studies were summarized in [4]. In next study the sample under consideration consisted of students of physical education (first year of education). In analysis the following somatic traits were taken into account: body height and body mass and five skinfolds then logarithmically transformed. First the total body fat and the lean body mass were evaluated on the basis of these features, next quotient indices from them were calculated. These indices were helpful in sex definition. The motor ability was estimated with help of results of five motor tests as well as their sum from the seven performed. The use of correlation analysis made possible to evaluate the diagnostic value of traits and indices under consideration. The level and the direction of their influence on motor sphere was depended on gender and character of a motor task. The body fat occurred to be very important factor. Its distribution in men group was clearly skew. Nevertheless the logarithmic transformation of fat amount didn’t change significantly the values of correlation coefficients what proves its small effectiveness in improvement of correlation picture. The connections of this feature with motor ability shows that contentl of body fat in women presents a natural phenomenon which is characteristic for the sex. In contrary, the amount of fat which exceeds the norms definitely influenced negatively the results of men. The findings prove the occurrence of special predisposition of women to endurance events , due to the ability of woman’s organism to utilize the fat, the examples of which were reported in some previous studies. The negative influence of a greater amount of fat tissue on results in endurance runs was observed in children which began their sports training. Taking into account that majority of physical tasks in grammar schools has a speed-strength character, the study was undertaken to establish to what extend such physical activity are influenced by body build and whether there are some differences between sexes. The sample under study consisted of group of girls and boys from IV-VIII grades. The motor tests involved: forward throws with both hands of medicine ball 1 and 2 kg as well as throws of smaller rubber ball weighting 22 g – 340 g performed in a manner of baseball throws. The evaluation of speed-strength predisposition of children was done on a basis of statistical analysis. In younger grades the advantage of speed was evident while the domination of strength was observed in older grades. In the light ball throws the small and slim body build was favorable, especially in girls. Nevertheless relatively small sample volume and rather ambiguous results require to undertake further research on this field.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Haleczko
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