Motor Performances Learning in the Light of Bernstein's Theory

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2005, Vol 15, Issue 31


N.A. Bernstein's theory of physiological movement construction may constitute a reliable basis for a movement learning model. The basic process in this model is reduction of freedom degrees both in the region of single movements (motor control) and in that of the overall motor program (motor learning). Very important, too, is the type of code used in motor control. In the process of motor control and motor learning there are used two such codes: sensory (on A, B and C levels), and symbolic (at D and E levels). Apart from the way of planning, the motor command delivered to a muscle has to be expressed in the sensory code. In case of the five-level motor control system it is necessary that the sensory code be translated into symbolic one going from D to C level, but in reverse order in the sphere between C and D level. Taking into account such assumptions, it is possible to create two motor learning models: model 0, describing the circulation of solely sensory information between A, B and C levels, and model 8 assuming circles of information circulation: lower, sensory, at A, B and C levels, and higher, symbolic, at D and E levels. The information processing capabilities with the symbolic code are much greater than those with the sensory code. In the sensory region ABC the theoretical basis may be behaviourism, for examination of reality the induction method may be used, and research subject of the learning system may be the stimulus-reaction couplings. However, in the symbolic region DE we have to do with cognitivism, deductive method and cause-effect chains stimulus-reaction-outcome respectively. Besides, an important part in the process of motor learning is played by information chunking. Also the way of making use of the sensory, short-term, long-term and working memories is of vital importance.

Authors and Affiliations

Wacław Petryński


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How To Cite

Wacław Petryński (2005). Motor Performances Learning in the Light of Bernstein's Theory . Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 15(31), 65-79.