Motywy podejmowania aktywności turystycznej przez osoby starsze ze Stowarzyszenia Promocji Sportu FAN
Journal Title: Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu - Year 2015, Vol 51, Issue 4
Background. The article refers to the motives of the tourist activities undertaken by seniors form the FAN association. The aim of this study is to investigate the situation based on the opinion of two senior sections members of an association dedicated to sport promotion in the Lower Silesia. Material and methods. A short presentation of the association activity is followed by an analysis of the survey responses. The research was performed among 68 seniors. The questions concerned four main topics: the respondents’ personal status and physical condition, the preferred forms of recreational activity, the main purposes of travelling and tourist motivations, and, finally, the most important factors inhibiting the responders’ tourist activity. The group was also asked to assess the tourist offer existing on the local market in Lower Silesia, and especially to emphasise factors that should be changed. Results. The motivations of the senior tourists in the opinion of the interrogated group are different. The most popular form of tourist activity is the sightseeing excursions although the active forms like bicycling, Nordic walking or just walking are very welcomed as well. No matter the form the most frequent motivation reflects the search for the new experience and practising hobby. The other results are quite encouraging – no financial and health problems are pointed among the obstacles since 78% of the group are pleased with its health conditions. The threat may be the lack of the tourist offer dedicated exclusively for this target group and financial support. Conclusions. The tourist motivations of the seniors are different but clearly expressed and their recognition may serve as a good background for the well prepared tourist offer.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Oleśniewicz, Krzysztof Widawski
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