
У статті розглянуто поняття «мовна картина світу» та розкрито його сутність. Виявлено, що найбільш яскраво мовна картина світу проявляється у межах фразеологічного корпусу. Констатовано відмінності у мовній картині світу в англійській та українській фразеології, оскільки історико-культурна спадщина українського та англійського народів є нетотожною. The article considers the essence of the concept «linguistic worldimage» which is interpreted as a web of world beliefs, historically formed in people’s mind and reflected on phonetic, morphological, lexical and syntactic language levels. It’s defined that linguistic worldimage is brightly introduced within a phrasicon. In view of this the author conducts a historical research of English-specific set expressions – іt’s raining cats and dogs, steal one’s thunder, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, not my cup of tea that fairly present cultural values and national character of the United Kingdom inhabitants. Thus wise, as a result of weather effects (unexpected change of sunny weather into rainy one) on British consciousness there appeared a lot of jokes, stock phrases and speaking etiquette, implying small talk about weather for greeting, starting up a conversation or filling of awkward silence. In point of fact, a phraseologism іt’s raining cats and dogs dates back to the 18th century, when a vent system often broke down and denotes shower; at the same time an idiom to steal one’s thunder is related to stage property, used for producing the sound of thunder in theatres and means to take attention that rightfully belongs to someone else or to use other person’s ideas. Further, love of traditional dishes and observance of tea ceremony conduced the spreading of such set expressions as the proof of the pudding is in the eating and not my cup of tea. It has been found that the first one goes back to the 14th century, when pudding was not only a dessert but a rich dish as well, and is construed as You can only say something is a success after it has been tried out or used. Consequently, an idiom not my cup of tea appeared in the 20th century and is interpreted as somebody or something you don’t like or the activity one is bad at. Literature data analysis proves that linguistic worldimages in English and Ukrainian phraseology distinct from each other, which is attributed to different historical and cultural heritage of Ukrainian and British people.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleksandra Palchykova


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Oleksandra Palchykova (2017). МОВНА КАРТИНА СВІТУ В АНГЛІЙСЬКІЙ ТА УКРАЇНСЬКІЙ ФРАЗЕОЛОГІЇ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(16), 110-115. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-432206