Multi-level care of a child with cerebral palsy
Journal Title: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu - Year 2012, Vol 18, Issue 4
Introduction and objective: The purpose of this paper is to present the needs of a child with infantile cerebral palsy, based on our own experiences, and to present the views of co-authors – a paediatrician and a physiotherapist, in terms of different ways of treatment and rehabilitation of these children.Brief description the state of knowledge: An increased level of knowledge concerning the infantile cerebral palsy disorder created the necessity for comprehensive cooperation with ICP child parents, the sick child, a pediatrician and a physiotherapist, in the rehabilitation process. Summary: The development of an optimal and efficient method of therapy is a major challenge for the whole team dealing with such a child. Understanding the needs of children with infantile cerebral palsy is essential for their appropriate care, treatment and rehabilitation.Key words: cerebral palsy, rehabilitation, health
Authors and Affiliations
Bartosz Andruszczak , Beata Buraczyńska-Andrzejewska , Hanna Krauss , Katarzyna Jończyk-Potoczna, Jacek Piątek, Anna Krzywicka, Wioletta Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Ewelina Krasowska , Marcin Kozak
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