Multi-threaded Routing in Software-defined Networking
Journal Title: Інформаційні системи, механіка та керування - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 16
Based on the comparative analysis, there are recommendations for applying of existing the shortest path search algorithms and maximum flow in the network for network architectures of varying complexity. Based on the graph theory, algorithms for multi-threaded routing and a search algorithm for maximum bandwidth are analyzed for representing networks. The concept of multi-path routing is considered in the software-configurable network. For the different number of nodes different algorithms for finding the shortest path present different efficiency: Floyd-Uorshell algorithm is the most effective with a relatively small number of nodes (1 to 10), the algorithm of Bellman-Moore shows the greatest effectiveness with the average number of nodes (11 to 18), with a large number of nodes (19 and over), the most effective is the Dijkstra's algorithm, and algorithms for finding the maximum capacity were considered. Their performance is very close, but still the Diniz algorithm is a little better. We also consider the multipath routing organization in the software-reconfigurable networks. The maximum throughput opportunity of the network, emergency situations solutions of the switch failure, delete, the route opening and rebuilding are analyzed. The obtained algorithm, switched-on in the controller of the program-configurable network, allows reducing the delay of delivery packets by creating several communication channels between the final devices and increasing the network bandwidth. As a result the optimizing of the network applications functioning and the efficiency of final users are increased.
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