Multimedia as a phenomenon in the subject technologies
Journal Title: Problemy Nauk Stosowanych - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue
Introduction and aims: We deal with the summary of essential characteristics of technology, which are the fundamental elements of the state educational programs. The aim is to analyses an example of usage of a multimedia teaching aid in technology and to draw attention to its function as a tool to develop knowledge, skills and creativity of students. In the empiric part is adverted to a pedagogical experiment which proves that a computer (MTA) significantly in-fluences not only the efficiency of students during teaching but also their motivational effect during the lessons. Material and methods: In this article we present a pedagogical experiment. Here is a de-tailed process during the pedagogical experiment and subsequent evaluation of research results. Results: The research results confirm the assumptions made in the working hypothesis H1. We argued that pupils in the experimental group achieve statistically significantly better re-sults than pupils in the control group when taking the final didactic test focused on the issue of road safety education. Conclusion: A creation and implementation of modern multimedia teaching aids give a good opportunity to it. It depends on people (teachers) who create and implement it together. In case of Technical Education, there is no doubt that the effort is worthwhile.
Authors and Affiliations
Ján Stebila, Ľubomír Žáčok
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