In the 2015 season, the underwater research in Lake Lednica focused on further exploration of the exploration plots of the Poznań bridge. In the course of this research a wicker object in a radiating out shape was locali...
Contemporary civilizational changes make it necessary to adjust the methods of cultural content transmission to the needs and expectations of today’s recipient. There is a change in the approach to the design of museum s...
Th is paper outlines the peculiarities of the genealogy of the Kyivan Rus (Ruthenian) princess Dobroniega-Maria (ca 1015/17–1087), wife of the Polish duke Kazimierz I the Restorer (1016–1058). It reviews the existing the...
Andrzej Kowalczyk (2018). Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy w gronie laureatów konkursów Sybilla 2017 i Izabella 2017. Studia Lednickie, 0(),
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Średniowieczna wiersza z rejonu mostu zachodniego na Ostrowie Lednickim
In the 2015 season, the underwater research in Lake Lednica focused on further exploration of the exploration plots of the Poznań bridge. In the course of this research a wicker object in a radiating out shape was locali...
Wykorzystanie walorów krajobrazu w kształtowaniu przestrzeni Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy
Contemporary civilizational changes make it necessary to adjust the methods of cultural content transmission to the needs and expectations of today’s recipient. There is a change in the approach to the design of museum s...
Poland–Ukraine: a thousand years of reciprocity. The Kyivan Princess Dobroniega-Maria, wife of Kazimierz the Restorer: a new hypothesis of her pedigree
Th is paper outlines the peculiarities of the genealogy of the Kyivan Rus (Ruthenian) princess Dobroniega-Maria (ca 1015/17–1087), wife of the Polish duke Kazimierz I the Restorer (1016–1058). It reviews the existing the...
Dzwon Mieszko i Dobrawa na Ostrowie Lednickim. Symbol dynastii piastowskiej — od jego „narodzin” do poświęcenia
Profesor Tomasz Jasiński laureatem 10. edycji Nagrody Lednickiego Orła Piastowskiego