The article discusses grammatical, semantic and pragmatic linguistic style indicators
appearing in the dialogues of Lech Majewski’s film The Knight from 1980. The analysis of
the material proved that the film is dominate...
The essay is an attempt to interpret Herbert George Wells’s novel The Island of Doctor
Moreau in the context of contemporary then and very popular at the time eugenic thought,
whose father was Francis Galton. Interpreted...
The article discusses the definition of chronological corpora and lexical series generated
thanks to them; moreover, it describes various conceptualizations of categories of time in
corpus studies. Chronological corpora...
The author discusses the history of Xavier Forneret’s (1809–1884) reception focusing
on the trend which portrayed the Romantic as a surrealist and a precursor of vers libre. At
the heart of the considerations there is th...
Językowa stylizacja historyczna w "Rycerzu" Lecha Majewskiego
The article discusses grammatical, semantic and pragmatic linguistic style indicators appearing in the dialogues of Lech Majewski’s film The Knight from 1980. The analysis of the material proved that the film is dominate...
Udział polskich naukowców w tworzeniu Łotewskiego Słownika Konwersacji (zarys problematyki)
Chory doktor Moreau. Antyutopia eugeniczna Herberta George’a Wellsa
The essay is an attempt to interpret Herbert George Wells’s novel The Island of Doctor Moreau in the context of contemporary then and very popular at the time eugenic thought, whose father was Francis Galton. Interpreted...
Korpusy chronologiczne i leksykalne szeregi czasowe jako narzędzia wykrywania słów kluczy i neosemantyzmów. Konceptualizacja czasu w korpusach chronologicznych
The article discusses the definition of chronological corpora and lexical series generated thanks to them; moreover, it describes various conceptualizations of categories of time in corpus studies. Chronological corpora...
Xavier Forneret odczytany przez surrealistów i czytany Norwidem
The author discusses the history of Xavier Forneret’s (1809–1884) reception focusing on the trend which portrayed the Romantic as a surrealist and a precursor of vers libre. At the heart of the considerations there is th...