Нагромадження запасу різновіковим деревостаном: екскурс підходів та аналіз закономірностей [The growing stock accumulation in uneven-aged forest stand: the history of approaches and analysis of patterns]
Journal Title: Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
We investigated the course of growing stock accumulation in uneven-aged stands. The object of the study are uneven-aged forest stands with different systems of forest management: natural forests (primeval) and commercial ones. The subject of the study is to compare the processes of stock accumulation of different age generations of the object. The accumulation of timber is examined over the entire growth period and development of uneven-aged forest stand. The main theoretical aspects of the growing stock prediction analyzed for uneven-aged and even-aged stands. The main principles are reflected in the concepts of normal and natural forests. By the example of uneven-aged beech forest stand, models and formulas were proposed to assess the age structure as well as dynamics of the stock increment. The uneven-aged forest stand, consisting of four age generations of the forest were considered. With an increase in the intensity of growing stock utilization, its total concentration also increases in a specific period of time. At the same time flattens the dynamics curve of the average stock. The intensification of forest management correlates with the decrease in the share of mature and over mature timber. It is found that the presence of four age generations and their uniform distribution does not ensure the uniformity of the timber stock accumulation. An important regulator here is the age of the main felling. The age structure of natural uneven-aged forest stand is different from that of commercial one. The result is the amount of accumulated stock. As to the dynamics, the growing stock in natural uneven-aged forest stand accumulates more unevenly than in commercial stands. The same pattern is true for the dynamics of accumulation in mature and over mature forests. The models of natural uneven-aged forests reflect two periods: the excessive accumulation of ripe and overripe stock, and its deficiency. The total amount of mature and over mature timber in natural uneven-aged forest exceeds this figure for commercial forest. The decrease in the amplitude of fluctuation of growing stock in uneven-aged commercial forest is implemented by a two-fold increase in the intensity of reproduction of age generation. The greater amount of mature timber in natural forest, in the analysis of the average trend, indicates better performance of its functions.
Authors and Affiliations
Julian Kahanjak, Myroslav Goroshko
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