
Стаття розглядає проблему наукової об’єктивності у постнекласичну епоху. Це ставить перед дослідником низку питань: які критерії об’єктивності існують? чи можливо говорити про досягнення наукової об’єктивності? як співвідносяться поняття об’єктивності, істини та правди? Розглянуто перенесення центру уваги з так званого «об’єктивного світу» на суб’єктивний (рецепція) зі врахуванням можливих аппроксімацій. The article examines the question of the authenticity of scientific knowledge, which is one of the most controversial in today's epistemology. The epistemological problem of objectivity in post-non-classical science is particularly important today, when total relationality and the effigy of "post-truth" are proclaimed by postmodernism. The purpose of this study is a critical analysis of the basic epistemological parameters of this situation. The theoretical significance of the work is to differentiate the concepts of natural research subjectivity and research voluntarism that generates "post-truth", which is a simulacrum according to its main content. The practical value of the work lies in the fact that it gives some grounds for further exploration in this direction. The analysis of the state of the study of the problem shows the lack of genuine methodological unity in approach to the issue. There is a retrospective description, fixation of the dichotomy type of truth / relativity, rationalism / irrationalism, or the difference between traditional and non-traditional epistemologies or scientific optimism and epistemological scepticism. Actually, the researchers analyse not the "epistemological subject", but the structure of the knowledge. We rely on the ontological understanding of the situation, convincingly grounded by K. Popper. After all, in the era of quantum physics, the very existence of the so-called objective reality is questionable. The intellectual-logical elements of our spiritual activity, formed during the evolution as the specialization of only one hemisphere of the brain, in fact only obediently substantiate the irrational fractures of the other hemisphere. It is worth breaking down the barriers that natural science has built between themselves and other ways of comprehension of knowledge and truth, which historically preceded the positive science. The article attracts the attention of the scientific community to this problem.

Authors and Affiliations

Mariya Chikarkova


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Mariya Chikarkova (2017). НАУКОВА ОБ’ЄКТИВНІСТЬ: ІСТИНА ЧИ МІФ?. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 7(14), 17-25. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-434337