The paper examines and compares some of the 1960s’ most representative expressions of social critique: Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, Jane Jacobs’s The Death and Life of Great American Cities and Richard Sennett’...
Twentieth‑century literary transfer was effected mainly through written and printed texts. Walter Ong He stated that ‘the condition of words in the text is very different from their condition in spoken discourse’ and gav...
EP ID EP52716
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Kalina Kukiełko-Rogozińska (2014). Naukowiec czy artysta? Polskie interpretacje poglądów Marshalla McLuhana. Kultura Popularna, 3(37),
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Foreword. And Yet It Moves
Dziewietnastowieczny park miejski w Kaliszu. Historia, władza i komercja w przestrzeni kultury popularnej
Betty Friedan, Jane Jacobs, Richard Sennett and the 1960s’ Challenge to the Suburban Era Mystique of Security and Order
The paper examines and compares some of the 1960s’ most representative expressions of social critique: Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, Jane Jacobs’s The Death and Life of Great American Cities and Richard Sennett’...
Wzniosłe, piękne i polskie. O poszukiwaniu stylu narodowego w masowych wydaniach tomików poetyckich w II Rzeczpospolitej
Twentieth‑century literary transfer was effected mainly through written and printed texts. Walter Ong He stated that ‘the condition of words in the text is very different from their condition in spoken discourse’ and gav...