INTERVIU CU GRIGORE CIOBICĂ – PREŞEDINTELE ASOCIAŢIEI FOŞTILOR DEŢINUŢI POLITICI, FILIALA BRĂILA / Interview with Grigore CIOBICĂ- President of the Association of former Political prisoners of Braila


 Testimonies that are transmitted through oral tradition assist historians in their struggle to reveal the past. Particularly, in this case, it manages to reveal the anguish and suffering that was subjected to people during the communist period. Individual or collective memory cannot be considered a less reliable source than other historical sources. As long as a witness is still alive, the historical facts must be reviewed and taken into account. The interview that targets Grigore Ciobică manages to prove this fact.

Authors and Affiliations

Corina BUŢEA


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How To Cite

Corina BUŢEA (2011).  INTERVIU CU GRIGORE CIOBICĂ – PREŞEDINTELE ASOCIAŢIEI FOŞTILOR DEŢINUŢI POLITICI, FILIALA BRĂILA / Interview with Grigore CIOBICĂ- President of the Association of former Political prisoners of Braila. STUDIUM - Revista studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor în istorie, 2(2), 69-80.