The development of urban areas and their impact on the local real estate market development

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2014, Vol 12, Issue 4


 One of the recent phenomena in modern societies is the creation of large urban agglomerations. Socioeconomic consequences and mechanisms of their formation require a thorough and interdisciplinary research. Suburbanization is one of the stages in the process of creating an urban agglomeration. On the basis of Poznañ agglomeration formation and suburbanization processes within the local area, the author seeks to assess their demographic, social and urban effects. Then, he endeavors to assess how the processes mentioned above affected the development of the local housing market. The research reveals a significant term increase in the turnover and price levels of land for single-family housing in Poznan suburbs. The crisis on the housing market resulted in a decrease of transactions entered by individual investors, yet many developers appeared on the market offering various attractive forms of housing successfully competing with flats and houses in the city. It is noticeable that suburban housing markets are still developing and that they have a significant influence on the situation on local housing markets in large housing agglomerations.

Authors and Affiliations

Henryk Gawron


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How To Cite

Henryk Gawron (2014).  The development of urban areas and their impact on the local real estate market development. Zarządzanie i Finanse, 12(4), 135-151.