The professionalization of nongovernmental organizations as a factor of their success
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 4
In the article an issue of the professionalization of the nongovernmental organizations was presented. After the introduction in the second point of the article an issue of the professionalization of the nongovernmental organizations was defined and there were indicated three of its dimensions: organizational, related to the adaptation of the management’s techniques, including these ones focused on funds rising, social focused on employment of paid employees ,so that it becomes an important part of the staff and cultural which shows spreading some rules that make activities more effective, among others : rationalism, pragmatism but also promote values and norms of ethic actions. En the third point of the article there was shown a meaning of the professionalization in the improvement of the effectiveness of the presented organizations, both in the economic and in the social aspect. The professionalization is related as well to certain threats: standardization of the activity, bureaucratization and formaliza-tion, devoluntarization. However in case of the Polish nongovernmental organizations it can give them a chance to their further development. As the research shows nongovernmental organizations in Poland have some serious problems with funds rising, adaptation of the management’s techniques, staff gaining. A part of these problems is a result of low competence, and also lack of the con-sciousness of this fact among managers of the presented organizations. That is why in the article the meaning of the institutional support for a sector non profit was discussed.
Authors and Affiliations
Janina Stankiewicz, Bartosz Seiler
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