Некоторые особенности орфографической адаптации заимствований в XVIII – XIX веках: употребление буквы Ѣ / Niektóre cechy ortograficznej adaptacji zapożyczeń w XVIII – XIX wieku: użycie litery Ѣ


This article, based on material from “Vedemosti”, from the time of Peter I, and “Sanktpeterburgskije vedomosti” and “Moskovskije vedomosti” from the 18th and 19th centuries, analyses the process of assimilation of borrowings which required a change in the writing of the word, either with or without the letter ѣ (jat'). A complete corpus of phrases with foreign roots in which the letter ѣ is used, regularly or sporadically, is constructed, and the rules of its use shown. The custom shaped in the first half of the 18th century is compared with the recommendations of the Dictionary of the Russian Academy (Slovar' Akademii Rossijskoj), 1789–1794, and two editions of the Dictionary of Church Slavonic and Russian Language (Slovar' cerkovnoslavjanskogo i russkogo jazyka), 1847 and 1867–68, as well as grammatical discussions of the 19th century. Analysis of the material shows that the letter Ѣ, after a certain period of variability, is not found in borrowed common nouns. The use of the letter had ended before the appearance of the first publications codifying writing. It is possible that the word апрѣль (aprělь), whose orthography was settled at the beginning of the 18th century, is one of the common nouns of foreign root written with the letter ѣ. As a result, the use of the letter ѣ remains only in borrowed proper nouns (Алексѣй–Aleksěj, Сергѣй–Sergěj etc.), as explained by J.K. Grot in an article of 1876, entitled Disputed issues in Russian writing from Peter the Great to today (Spornyje voprosy russkogo pravopisanija ot Petra Velikogo donyne).

Authors and Affiliations

Valeriya Kaverina


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  • EP ID EP448382
  • DOI 10.26485/RKJ/2018/66/14
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How To Cite

Valeriya Kaverina (2018). Некоторые особенности орфографической адаптации заимствований в XVIII – XIX веках: употребление буквы Ѣ / Niektóre cechy ortograficznej adaptacji zapożyczeń w XVIII – XIX wieku: użycie litery Ѣ. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, 0(), 227-242. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-448382