Неопубликованные мемуары И. И. Пузанова (Unpublished memoirs by Ivan Puzanov)
Journal Title: Przegląd Wschodnioeuropejski - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 1
Ivan Ivanovich Pusanov (1885-1971) is one of the poets coming back to the literature of the 21st century. The chance to read unpublished memoirs by Ivan Pusanov, the scientist, has attracted my attention to his life, poetry and translations. Ivan Pusanov was quite close to Maximilian Voloshin and George Shengeli, and that friendship helped him to unlock his creative potential. His collections of poems, Wreaths of Sonnets „The Crimea” (1932), „Dat- kal” (1939-1940) and „The Universe” (1951) constitute an essential part of the history of Russian poetry and cannot be disregarded. In his memoirs, Ivan Pusanov tells about the days when he learnt from Maximilian Voloshin how to write wreaths of poems, about his friendship with Shengeli and how it helped him to become a professional translator.
Authors and Affiliations
Natalia Tarumova
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