New blood group systems
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2012, Vol 25, Issue 7
Science of blood groups, which means red blood cells antigens and antibodies directed towards them, has been developing for 112 years. It started with brilliant discovery of ABO blood group system by Karl Landsteiner. This finding has allowed to match appropriate blood for transfusion and enhanced development of surgery, immunology, haematology and transplantology. Until 2011, 30 blood group systems, containing over 300 antigens, have been known. Every new blood group antigen is still described after reaction with specific antibodies, produced by the person without this antigen. In order to classify the new blood group system, genetic basis have to be described, i. e. the gene coding the antigen and alleles coding antithetical antigens, as well as biochemical structure of membrane component carrying these antigens. In February 2012 two papers have been released, regarding two potentially new blood group systems, Langeris (Lan) and Junior (Jr). Both of them contain only one antigen discovered decades ago. In 2011 results have been described on the blood group system known partially for over 80 years, currently known as P1Pk. In this paper the authors reveal fascinating road to discovery the secrets of group systems mentioned above using the latest research techniques, as well as exploring of their biological, not only transfusiological, role.
Authors and Affiliations
Jadwiga Fabijańska-Mitek, Agata Gieleżyńska, Katarzyna Koza
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