Nickel allergy in orthodontics –a review

Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2005, Vol 1, Issue 3


Nickel allergy is an increasing problem nowadays. Everydaycontact with various kinds of instrument and tools,consume jewelry or eyeglass frames containing nickel meansfrequent exposure to the releasing ions. Allergic symptomsmay manifest during orthodontic therapy among sensitizedpatients. Increased level of nickel ions in saliva and serumafter the insertion of fixed appliance can evoke allergicreaction. The author describes in detail the incidence, immunologicalcharacteristics and symptoms of nickel allergy,and gives practical indications for orthodontist todiagnose and treat patients with such a condition. The mostcrucial issue is to determine whether the patient is athopicand sensitized before fixed appliance therapy. Problemsoccurring among individuals belonging to a risk group mayrange from mild skin symptoms to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.Extraoral reactions are more common then intraoralones, and lesions are not characteristic. Symptomsappeared, should be differentiated from oral candidiasis,herpetic stomatitis, ulcers due to mechanical irritation orallergies to other materials. The diagnosis is confirmed bya dermatologist using patch testing with 5% nickel sulphatein petroleum jelly. In such cases orthodontist shouldprovide treatment with safe materials, which are listed inthe article. Sensitizing during orthodontic therapy is ratherrare because orally-induced tolerance takes place. (Orthod.Forum 2005; 1:81-6)

Authors and Affiliations

Małgorzata Łysiak-Seichter


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How To Cite

Małgorzata Łysiak-Seichter (2005). Nickel allergy in orthodontics –a review. Forum Ortodontyczne, 1(3), 81-86.