Non-invasive imaging tests in cardiology
Journal Title: Medycyna Ogólna i Nauki o Zdrowiu - Year 2015, Vol 21, Issue 4
[b]Introduction.[/b] Non-invasive cardiac test is the safest, fast and relatively inexpensive opportunity to assess the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The popularity and the special appreciation for all the techniques used, such as: echocardiography, stress echocardiography, positron emission tomography, single photon emission computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, is associated not only with the appropriate high-quality equipment, but also with the extensive experience of the doctor who performs the examination. [b]Objective.[/b] The aim of this study is to present the most commonly used methods of non-invasive diagnostic cardiology which are: echocardiography, stress echocardiography, positron emission tomography, single photon emission computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. [b]Description of the state of the knowledge. [/b]The introduction of echocardiography into cardiac diagnostics was crucial for the development of this field of medicine. Stress echocardiography can be performed either by loading exercise, electrical stimulation and the pharmacological stress method. PET is useful in the diagnosis of myocardial viability – allows measurement of the physiological activity of the heart muscle. The body scan (scintigraphy) is most commonly used in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease, and in those who are subject to intermediate risk of coronary heart disease. [b]Summary.[/b] Although for a long time it has been said about the pandemics of cardiovascular diseases, primary care patients still do not benefit from the possibility of screening for CVD. This requires the introduction of new solutions, health plans and programmes on a national scale.[b]Key words:[/b] non-invasive cardiology, cardiovascular disease, echocardiography, computed tomography, positron emission tomography, single photon, magnetic resonance
Authors and Affiliations
Izabella Machaj, Ewelina Janczewska, Zenon Truszewski, Janusz Trzebicki, Zbigniew Gaciong
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