Noţiunea şi caracteristica legitimei apărări conform legislaţiei penale autohtone
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 213
This study refers to the institution of legitimate defense, in particular the issues related to the notion and characteristic of legitimate defense according to the domestic criminal law. A special role is given to the utility of the respective institution. Legitimate defense is therefore a cause of the criminal offense of the deed and not the proclamation of a right to commit deeds under the criminal law.
Subiectul infracțiunilor de neglijență în serviciu (art.329 din Codul penal). Partea II
In this study it is argued that the person managing a commercial, public or other non-governmental organization cannot be the subject of the offences provided by art.329 PC RM. It is established that a commercial organiz...
Procesul legislativ și procedura legislativă Partea II
The article is devoted to the comparative approach of the “legislative process” and the “legislative procedure” based on the distinction between the notions of “process” and “procedure” as well as the categories of “lega...
Garanțiile procesuale asigurate de către judecătorul de instrucție la internarea persoanei în instituția medicală pentru efectuarea expertizei psihiatrice în cadrul urmăririi penale
The respect for the fundamental rights of a person in a state of low reprezents the basic pillar that provides the prosperity and securitu of its citezens. The oportunity to apply the enforcement measures with medical ch...
Viziunea curții supreme de justiție a republicii moldova asupra aplicării legii penale în timp: sinteza practicii judiciare
In the realm of this scientific research we have performed a detailed analysis of some cases from the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Moldova which contain solving of the most disputable...
Analiza mecanismelor organizației națiunilor unite de combatere a torturii
The XXI century characterized by globalization of international relations, enforce objective necessity to coordinate the efforts of the United States for achieving the supreme interests of the international community: pe...