Nuty smutku wśród uroków natury. Pan w trzcinie Arnolda Böcklina i Zofii Gordziałkowskiej

Journal Title: Prace Literaturoznawcze - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 4


Two works: the painting by Swiss painter Arnold Böcklin and the poem by the Young Poland poet Zofia Gordziałkowska inspired by that painting are the subject of considerations. Both works have the same title – Pan Amongst the Reeds. Comparative analysis allowed determining to what extent the poetic ver-sion of the subject is true to the painted original – do we deal with a description of the painting, a lyric comment to it and an attempt at reading it or maybe it was just the reason for developing a king of re-flection going far beyond the work by Böcklin. The poem, treating the subject presented in the painting (the mythological Pan) as a synonym of an artist complaining and hankering after something unspeci-fied, leads to the conclusion that arts hinder enjoying life. On the other hand, treating the subject as a representative of the nature or personification of life reduces that life to using it, to the sensual intoxica-tion. The originality of the poet is represented by deviation from convention in understanding the land-scape functioning in symbolism. She processes the subject undertaken by Böcklin in the way aiming at highlighting not only the value of the art but, first, the value of life.

Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Igliński


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How To Cite

Grzegorz Igliński (2016). Nuty smutku wśród uroków natury. Pan w trzcinie Arnolda Böcklina i Zofii Gordziałkowskiej. Prace Literaturoznawcze, 4(4), 49-60.