O pewnych formalno-semantycznych aspektach Dziennika podróży do Tatrów Seweryna Goszczyńskiego
Journal Title: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Poetica - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue
On some formal and semantic aspects of Dziennik podróży do Tatrów by Seweryn Goszczyński The article analyses a selection of formal and semantic aspects of Dziennik podróży do Tatrów by Seweryn Goszczyński. The first part of the work has been devoted to the context in which this literary work has been created, with a more detailed focus on the biography of the author. The main part of the article is an attempt to interpret Dziennik podróży do Tatrów in the context of the personal or intimate journal literary tradition, basing on an interpretation of the internal experience of the literary subject. Moreover, the work describes the problem of literary art which is a subject that is present in the analysed journal. The aim of the work is to present the changeable nature of the dominant of the author’s stance in the personal document genre.
Authors and Affiliations
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