O podpisach pod materiałami wizualnymi z perspektywy mediolingwistycznej – próba typologii na podstawie polsko- i niemieckojęzycznej prasy codziennej
Journal Title: Forum Lingwistyczne - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue
The captions under visual materials located in the press fit into a category, which, against the background of numerous works devoted to the variant of language used by the press, seems to be almost completely unnoticed by researchers of the language used in media. One can ask oneself at this point the question of whether this constitutes a wilful lack of attention by media linguists convinced of the sterility of captions as a potential area of study or is actually a result of a peculiar oversight. Based on the assumption that captions posted by media broadcasters under the photographs can comprise an interesting field of scientific exploration, an attempt will be made of their systematization. The captions coming from a total of six Polish-German newspapers will serve as the basis for the research material.
Authors and Affiliations
Kinga Zielińska
Sprawozdanie z V Międzynarodowej Konferencji Logopedycznej „Logopedia w teorii i praktyce” (Chorzów, 16–17 września 2017)
Sprawozdanie z konferencji naukowej „Reprezentacje świata w dyskursach (modele, obrazy, wizje)” (Brenna, 25–27 października 2017)
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O podpisach pod materiałami wizualnymi z perspektywy mediolingwistycznej – próba typologii na podstawie polsko- i niemieckojęzycznej prasy codziennej
The captions under visual materials located in the press fit into a category, which, against the background of numerous works devoted to the variant of language used by the press, seems to be almost completely unnoticed...
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