O potrzebie „zarządzania” imionami własnymi w przekładach powieści kryminalnych Aleksandry Marininy
Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 0
In order to encourage the minimal reader to reach for Russian literature, one needs to present elements of the foreign reality in such a way that would encourage them to get to know alien phenomena and extend their cognitive base, rather than discouraging them with complexity and strangeness. One of the elements which are rooted in culture and which require proper management in translation are proper names. In translation from Russian into Polish it is worth focusing on managing hypocorisms (diminutives), colloquial forms of vocative and patronymics.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Orzechowska
Z dziejów polskiej świadomości na Białorusi : przypadek Mariana Zdziechowskiego
Głagolica w rękopiśmiennej "Gramatyce słowiańskiej" Jana Użewicza z 1645 roku
Wpływ średniowiecznej kultury południowosłowiańskiej na wschodnią i zachodnią Słowiańszczyznę
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Польское в Крымской элегии Нины Берберовой
This academic paper explores Polish themes in the novel The Crimean Elegy written by a well-known novelist and memoir writer, the first wave Russian emigrant in the 20th century, Nina Berberova. Polish themes in the pros...