The determination of genre end style paradigm of the small prose of the Ukrainian
writer by main features of expressionism aesthetics is examined in the article. The dependence
of genre-composition, singularities (fragme...
The article attempts to summarise the process of codifying the Ukrainian language in
the first half of the 19th century. It covers the most important reference grammars of that
time, presenting them in the context of the...
The article investigates the status of “refl exivity” in linguistics. The category of refl exivity
is at the core of the categories of voice in the broad sense. The article deals with
different approaches to identifying...
The article refers to the work of Ukrainian researchers devoted to expressionism, such
as O. Chernenko, M. Moklytsi, A. Biloi, O. Osmak, G. Yastrubetskoyi and others. It
defi nes the main directions of research and chara...
Katarzyna Jakubowska-Krawczyk (2015). O współczesnym malarstwie monumentalnym. Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia, 3(),
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Своєрідність поетики малої прози Клима Поліщука
The determination of genre end style paradigm of the small prose of the Ukrainian writer by main features of expressionism aesthetics is examined in the article. The dependence of genre-composition, singularities (fragme...
Próby kodyfikacji języka ukraińskiego w I połowie XIX w.
The article attempts to summarise the process of codifying the Ukrainian language in the first half of the 19th century. It covers the most important reference grammars of that time, presenting them in the context of the...
Рефлексивні декаузативи в польській та українській мовах
The article investigates the status of “refl exivity” in linguistics. The category of refl exivity is at the core of the categories of voice in the broad sense. The article deals with different approaches to identifying...
Дослідження експресіонізму в сучасному українському літературознавстві
The article refers to the work of Ukrainian researchers devoted to expressionism, such as O. Chernenko, M. Moklytsi, A. Biloi, O. Osmak, G. Yastrubetskoyi and others. It defi nes the main directions of research and chara...
О. О. Тараненко, Актуалізовані моделі в системі словотворення сучасної української мови (кінець ХХ — початок ХХІ ст.), Київ 2015, 245 с.