Ocena komisyjnego projektu nowelizacji ustawy o gospodarce nieruchomościami
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2019, Vol 62, Issue 2
In the author’s opinion, with regard to the use of reliefs in connection with the imposition of the adjacency fee the bill is insufficiently consistent with constitutional principles, in particular with the constitutional principle of equality before the law. De lege ferenda the provisions of this bill should optimize the implementation of relevant constitutional standards. However, the author points out, that the committee’s bill is consistent with the provisions of the European Union law concerning state aid. It is also emphasized in the article that the provisions of the bill contain many technical and legislative defects, which de lege ferenda should be eliminated.
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Szydło
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