Odkupieni w Jezusie Chrystusie? Soteriologia chrześcijańska wobec wyzwań islamu
Journal Title: NURT SVD - Year 2015, Vol 138, Issue 2
The article presents an overview of the Islamic criticism of the Christian soteriology. It begins with pointing out some deficits in the soteriocentrism (J. Hick), with its glossing over serious differences between religions. Next it presents the motives behind Islam’s objection to the Christian soteriology, such as radical monotheism with its utter rejection of the idea of the incarnation and redemption, and its concept of man, reportedly free from the original sin and its consequences. The third part of the article is a brief apology of the Christian teaching on salvation and redemption. It draws attention to the fact that there is not one but many soteriological models and interpretations of the original sin. The soteriology of Anselm of Canterbury merits particular attention for his discussion with Islam and insistence on human freedom. The article concludes with an appeal to the theology of religion to work closely with other branches of religious studies. It postulates an inquiry into the genesis of the unitarian monotheism in the Qur’an and possible influence of the monarchianism in Syria on its formation (Ch. Luxenberg, K.H. Ohlig, and others). It also questions the legitimacy of referring to it as the Word of God, since this particular type of monotheism seems to exclude it in the first place.
Authors and Affiliations
Krystian Kałuża
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