Introduction. Surgical treatment of OSAS is focused on removal of narrowing that increase airway resistance in upper
respiratory tract. Nd:YAG laser beam penetrates deeper into tissue than CO2 laser followed by superior...
Introduction: the main problem of a deaf patient is per se communication process. Some of the patients, who are candidates to cochlear implantation report vertigo or imbalance in some everyday situations. The relation of...
Data reported until today suggested a pivotal role of nuclear DNA mutations in the process of carcinogenesis. Recently more and more authors claim that disruption of mitochondrial DNA should not be excluded from this ana...
Induced controlled hypotension is a standard method aimed at decreasing intraoperative bleeding and achieving good operative field conditions. Low hemodynamic parameters during the operation are related to increased risk...
EP ID EP345804
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How To Cite
Łukasz Sikora (2011). Odległe skutki oparzenia dróg oddechowych w wyniku wybuchu metanu. Otolaryngologia Polska, 65(1),
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Uwulopalatoplastyka z użyciem lasera Nd:YAG (LAUP) u chorych z zespołem obturacyjnych bezdechów podczas snu
Introduction. Surgical treatment of OSAS is focused on removal of narrowing that increase airway resistance in upper respiratory tract. Nd:YAG laser beam penetrates deeper into tissue than CO2 laser followed by superior...
Prof. Helena Kustrzycka (1929–2007)
Narząd równowagi – ocena uszkodzenia w procesie diagnostycznym do operacji wszczepu ślimakowego
Introduction: the main problem of a deaf patient is per se communication process. Some of the patients, who are candidates to cochlear implantation report vertigo or imbalance in some everyday situations. The relation of...
Mutacje mitochondrialnego DNA w rozwoju nowotworów głowy i szyi
Data reported until today suggested a pivotal role of nuclear DNA mutations in the process of carcinogenesis. Recently more and more authors claim that disruption of mitochondrial DNA should not be excluded from this ana...
Ocena korelacji średniego ciśnienia tętniczego z krwawieniem śródoperacyjnym przy wolnej czynności serca w trakcie endoskopowej chirurgii zatok przynosowych
Induced controlled hypotension is a standard method aimed at decreasing intraoperative bleeding and achieving good operative field conditions. Low hemodynamic parameters during the operation are related to increased risk...