Odontogenic inflammationes of maxillofacial region

Journal Title: TPS-Twój Przegląd Stomatologiczny - Year 2009, Vol 12, Issue 12


Dentogenes inflammations of maxillofacial region are main causes of many general and local complications. These complications can be dangerous for patients health and even life. In the case of improper curation this can cause various degree off disability.

Authors and Affiliations

Lidia Mazur-Psonka, Marcin Mazur, Jacek Pałac


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How To Cite

Lidia Mazur-Psonka, Marcin Mazur, Jacek Pałac (2009). Odontogenic inflammationes of maxillofacial region. TPS-Twój Przegląd Stomatologiczny, 12(12), 14-17. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-84620