Odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarna radców prawnych. Wybrane aspekty konstytucyjne i międzynarodowe

Journal Title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 4


The aim of this study is to present a synthetic analysis of selected constitutional and international aspects of the disciplinary liability of attorneys-at-law. The issues discussed in this study concern three thematic areas – the constitutional principle of the disciplinary self-government of the National Bar of Attorneys-at-Law, constitutional requirements concerning provisions which determine the disciplinary liability of attorneys-at-law, as well as procedural aspects regarding constitutional and international supervision of these provisions.

Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Mojski


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How To Cite

Wojciech Mojski (2018). Odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarna radców prawnych. Wybrane aspekty konstytucyjne i międzynarodowe. Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe, 17(4), 25-36. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-593977