Odwołanie testamentu w polskim prawie spadkowym – przegląd orzecznictwa i poglądów doktryny
Journal Title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe - Year 2018, Vol 16, Issue 3
Revocability is one of the basic features of testaments. It is also an important manifestation of the freedom of testation. The testator or testatrix may, at any time, until his or her death, revoke the testament in whole or in part. According to the provisions of Article 946 of the Civil Code, revocation of a testament occurs either by the testator drawing up a new testament, destroying the testament or depriving it of the features that determine its validity with the intention of revoking it, or lastly, by altering the testament in a manner indicating his intention to revoke the provisions contained therein.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Krawczyk
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