Odzyskanie niepodległości przez Polskę w źródłach z zasobu Archiwum Głównego Akt Dawnych
Journal Title: Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica - Year 2018, Vol 25, Issue 25
Restitution of Poland’s sovereignty in source materials from fonds of the Central Archive of Historical Records. In Central Archive of Historical Records in Warsaw there are materials pertaining to events which led to rebirth of Poland in November 1918. Those materials can be divided into a few groups: political leanings, military action, awakening of the society, rebuilding the Polish state, fight for borders. Disputes between political factions during World War I have reflected ideas Polish politicians had with respect to resolution of the matter of Poland; initially in cooperation with various occupying powers, later more and more independently. Those ideas found their reflection in military actions undertaken by Poles, first within the framework of armies of occupying powers, subsequently as military formations allied with them (Polish Legions), and eventually as autonomous organizations. The war was a catalyst for awakening of Polish society, which was reflected in activity of various charity institutions in Poland and among Polish diaspora. Restoration of Poland was greatly influenced by gradual building of Polish statehood in agreement with Central Powers, which started with the Act of 5 November 1916. Political, military and social activity of Poles, particularly those from independence-oriented organizations, with Józef Piłsudski at the head, have contributed to quick restoration of Polish state after conclusion of war.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Gaul, Alicja Nowak, Maciej Próba
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