On interpersonal communication―verbal, non-verbal and the vocal exchange of signals in the educational context
Journal Title: Problemy Współczesnej Pedagogiki - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 1
The real interpersonal communication conditions the correct transmission of information in human relationships. It is also a crucial link enabling to establish adequate relations in the pedagogic space. However, this process requires effort, both from the student and from the teacher, in order to achieve the intended effects in the educational sphere. This paper defines optimum factors determining proper interpersonal relationships between the student and the teacher. In the study the method of the diagnostic survey was applied with the use of survey questionnaire. 132 students of lower secondary school and secondary technical school took part in research works. The results of the conducted analyses have enabled to determine favourable factors for building relations in the educational space and emphasised most often occurring crash barriers.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Chmielowska-Marmucka, Bernadetta Górska
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