Asymptotic integration of the equations of three-dimensional problems of the theory electroelasticity derived
recurrence formulas for determining the components of the stress tensor, displacement vector and electric pote...
M. V. Belubekyan (1979). On magnetoelastic vibration in plates.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 32(3),
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Some numerical results of investigations of elastic properties of one model of the elastic aircraft and elastic manipulator.
Asymptotics of electroelasticity piezoceramic inhomogeneous plate with a circular hole and the thickness polarization
Asymptotic integration of the equations of three-dimensional problems of the theory electroelasticity derived recurrence formulas for determining the components of the stress tensor, displacement vector and electric pote...
Stress concentration near cylinder-to-cylinder intersection.
Low-stress level of a linearly elastic orthotropic- compound wedges under plane strain.
Bending of fibre.