Optimization of actions on crisis management through issue management  

Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1


Increasing amounts related to building the desired image of the organiza-tion cause it at the same time increasing the role of activities related to the crisis management. This also applies to increasingly popular activities anticipate po-tential threats, which is referred to as issue management. The growing role of the Internet, which has become the most important medium in the twenty-first century, shifts the burden of prevention in the cyberspace. In particular, the revolution Web 2.0, the effect of which are, include social networking sites has given new tools for issue management. Possibility of immediate interaction, and above all, build of mutual relationship between the company and its envi-ronment is the foundation of issue management of era Web 2.0. Lack of under-standing of these changes can lead to a serious image crisis of image of which became convinced, among others British Petroleum. 

Authors and Affiliations

Adam Drosik


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How To Cite

Adam Drosik (2013). Optimization of actions on crisis management through issue management  . Zarządzanie i Finanse, 11(1), 41-54. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-115830