Optimization of analitycal control over residues of active ingridients of modern pesticides in reservoirs water

Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2013, Vol 18, Issue 3


A highly sensitive and selective method of pyraclostrobin, boscalid, tebufenpyrad and prohexadione-calcium determination under their combined presence in water sample, using high-performance liquid chromatography was developed. On the base of mentioned active ingredients (combined fungicide Bellis, insecto-acaricide Masai and plant growth regulator Regalis) pesticides may be used in one vegetation season for fruit trees protection. Method of co-determination of these substances is based on the preparation of water samples for extraction, extraction of pyraclostrobin, boscalid, tebufenpyrad and prohexadione-calcium, concentrating of extract of substances mixtures and chromatographic determination with ultraviolet detection. A distinctive feature of this method is changing of ratio of components of mobile phase (mixture of acetonitrile and 0,1 % aqueous solution of phosphoric acid) in the process of chromatographic analysis, which allowed to clearly visualize test substances in case of their joint presence in one sample. Implementation of developed and patented method into practice optimizes control over application of pesticides in agriculture and their monitoring in reservoirs water by significant acceleration of analysis and reduction of expenses in its carying out.

Authors and Affiliations

V. Semenenko, V. Bardov, О. Korshun, A. Lipavska, M. Korshun


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How To Cite

V. Semenenko, V. Bardov, О. Korshun, A. Lipavska, M. Korshun (2013). Optimization of analitycal control over residues of active ingridients of modern pesticides in reservoirs water. Медичні перспективи, 18(3), 119-126. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-141533