Orientările valorice ale tineretului din Republica Moldova și România
Journal Title: Moldoscopie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4
La présente étude a émergé du projet Contours d’identité: Roumanie-Moldavie-Union Européenne, étant realisé en base de la bourse post-doctorale «Eugene Ionescu» de l’AUF. La recherche scientifique a compris un sujet important pour les deux pays roumains, tel de l’identitée commune et d’etablir dans quelle mesure nous connaissons les processus et les phénomènes dans les deux pays. L’article se concentre sur des donées quantitatives obtenues à la suite de l'interrogation d'étudiants de l'Université d'État de Moldavie et de l'Université "Babeş-Bolyai" de Cluj Napoca, pendant la période mars-mai 2017.
Moldovan labor migration into the European Union
The article gives a characteristic of Moldovan labor migration into the European Union. The authors show that Moldovan labor migration into the EU begins in the second half of the 1990’s. Since the late 1990’s – the earl...
Государственная политика Республики Молдова в отношении политической интеграции инвалидов: проблемы реализации
This article analyzes the problems of implementing the state policy of the Republic of Moldova with regard to the political integration of persons with di-sabilities. The author notes that, despite the existence of a suf...
Безвизовый режим стран Восточного Партнерства с ЕС: эффекты и политики
The following article analyzes the implementation of the EU visa-free re-gime in the Eastern Partnership countries (Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine). The main positive consequences of the visa-free regime inthese countries...
Jurnalismul cetățenesc - reflecție a inovațiilor actuale în sfera mediatică
Actually, the trend of reforming the media communication is specific for the most contemporary democratic states. In this case, some experts have noted the practice of asserting new types of media actions. The technologi...
Factorul gender în procesele de pace și conflict
The article analyzes the role of the gender factor in peacekeeping operations, underlining the problems and perspectives of integrating it into peace processes. The key idea of the article is that men and women face diff...