The aim of the article is to analyse a short story by Franz Kafka In the Penal Colony
(In der Strafkolonie). At the beginning, the circumstances surrounding the creation of the
novel were described. After that the images...
This article deals with the controversy surrounding the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of the (post)Soviet troops from Legnica – the former garrison town of the Northern Group of Soviet Army. The a...
The article is devoted to reflection on the role of the Aryan discourse in the research
of Slavophiles of the 19th century. Traditional studies on the ethnogenesis of the Slavs
conducted by historians on the basis of anc...
Kołysanka czy emergencja?
Prawa pisane krwią, nie atramentem. Interpretacja Kolonii karnej Franza Kafki
The aim of the article is to analyse a short story by Franz Kafka In the Penal Colony (In der Strafkolonie). At the beginning, the circumstances surrounding the creation of the novel were described. After that the images...
Listy Hermana Liebermana do Heleny Rosenbach-Deutsch. Wstęp do edycji
Świętować, nie świętować? Kontrowersje wokół dwudziestej rocznicy wyjścia wojsk (post)radzieckich z Legnicy
This article deals with the controversy surrounding the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the withdrawal of the (post)Soviet troops from Legnica – the former garrison town of the Northern Group of Soviet Army. The a...
„Polscy Aryjczycy”. Pomiędzy naukowymi podstawami mitu a mitycznymi korzeniami nauki w dyskursie słowiańskim XIX wieku
The article is devoted to reflection on the role of the Aryan discourse in the research of Slavophiles of the 19th century. Traditional studies on the ethnogenesis of the Slavs conducted by historians on the basis of anc...