Основні тенденції розвитку самоорганізації народу в Україні / Main Tendencies in the Development of Self-Organization of the People in Ukraine

Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 2


EN The article deals with the analysis of the main tendencies in the development of self-organization of the people in Ukraine. It was established that bodies of self-organization of the population belong to the collective self-organization, which acts as blood vessels for the self-organization of the people. A set of different forms of collective self-organization creates a nation-wide self-organization. The constitutional principles of functioning and the main tendencies in the development of self-organization of the people, improvement of its processes, which to a certain extent depend on the external and internal state of the country, from the reaction of the ruling authorities to the essential events, connected with national security, with the advocacy of its sovereignty are characterized in the article. In this regard, two main points are identified: the first — the level of development of self-organization of the people in response to these threats increases; various self-governing organizations are being created, which today have more significant impact on society than state institutions and organizations, since they are far ahead in solving a number of topical managerial problems; the second — at the same time, there are tendencies in the decrease of the activation of self-organization processes, which is connected with a significant decrease in trust to state and local authorities due to the adoption of unpopular decisions by ignoring the opinions of scientific and public circles, due to the delay in conducting effective reforms in the management of the state, as well as in social sphere, which is directly connected with the increase of the level of social protection and financial position of the citizens in Ukraine. It has been settled that the self-organization of the people should be based on the principles of observance of rights and freedoms, honor and dignity of every person and citizen, and must ensure high-quality growth of the economic goodness of the population. The system of scientific knowledge about the peculiarities of self-organization of people and civil society; systemic notions about effective directions of legal reform of civil society through self-actualization, self-assessment, self-regulation, self-affirmation, self-development of citizens has been improved. UK

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How To Cite

Надія МЕЛЬНИК (2018). Основні тенденції розвитку самоорганізації народу в Україні / Main Tendencies in the Development of Self-Organization of the People in Ukraine. Університетські наукові записки, 17(2), 17-23. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-544486