Особливості оцінки достовірності показань свідка в кримінальному провадженні
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 82, Issue 2
У статті на підставі аналізу наукових досліджень, здійснених у теорії кримінального процесу щодо змісту та сутності достовірності показань свідка, їх оцінки, сформульовано науково обґрунтовані положення стосовно особливостей оцінки достовірності показань свідка з огляду на нормативні приписи КПК України щодо оцінки доказів загалом та показань з чужих слів як під час досудового розслідування, так і судового розгляду. In the article, on the basis of the analysis of scientific researches carried out in the theory of criminal process regarding the content and essence of the reliability of the testimony of the witness of their assessment, are formulated the scientific substantiated provisions concerning the peculiarities of the assessment of the reliability of the witness testimony by taking into account the normative prescriptions of the CPC of Ukraine regarding the assessment of evidence in general and testimony from other people's words as during pre-trial investigation and trial. It is determined that the reliability of the testimony of a witness is his property, which manifests itself in the judge of the subject of proof beyond the reasonable doubt of the full conformity of this statement with the actual facts which are the subject of criminal proceedings, formulated on the basis of evaluation of the information contained therein, for the presence or absence of internal, external contradictions in testimony with other evidence, in criminal proceedings, inaccuracies, gaps and their contents. Accordingly, it is determined that the assessment of the witness's testimony on the subject of its reliability should be carried out only after an assessment of their belonging and admissibility (inadmissible evidence can not be reliable), by comparative analysis of the actual data contained in them, with the actual data contained in other sources of evidence and the determination of the presence or absence of internal and external contradictions, inaccuracies or gaps in them and an important condition for determining the reliability of the testimony of the witness is the statement by the subject of evidence that in criminal proceedings exhausted all possibilities to obtain other information about the circumstances to be proved, and therefore no possibility of obtaining data that may contradict it. A negative reputation of a witness, in particular, regarding his conviction for knowingly false testimony, deceit, fraud or other acts confirming the witness's injustice, can not serve as the basis for assessing his testimony as false, without taking into account the contents of his testimony in their relation to other evidence in criminal proceedings. The evaluation of testimony from other people's words for their reliability is directly related to the primary source of information reported by such a witness. By establishing the unreliability of the source of testimony from other people's words follows the definition and they are unreliable.
Authors and Affiliations
Юлія Іванівна Лозинська
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