
Мистецька спадщина австрійських та німецьких авторів, які жили і творили у ХХ столітті, мають достатньо творчого літературного потенціалу для подальшого розвитку і творчості поетів та письменників Австрії та Німеччини, а також впливу на інші літератури, зокрема, і українську на початку ХХІ століття. The artistic heritage of the Austrian and German authors who lived and created in the 20 th. century, have enough creative literary potential for the further development and creative work of the poets and writers from Austria and Germany, as well as it has influence on literatures, in particular Ukrainian. The theoretical and literary heritage by virtue of width of the arts search, various characteristics of the period, detailed analysis based on facts makes us draw a conclusion that prolific potential of the Austrian literature study has its specific character. The freshness of the article’s subject matter is stipulated by the need to arrange a conceptual-categorial apparatus connected with a non-simple-valued nterpretation about the Austrian literature of the 20 th. Century and its special features, the perception significance of its small epic works “as the object of the not enough comprehended units”. The aim of this work is to define the interpretation possibility in order to determine comprehend the present state of culturological and the aesthetic discourses. There appears the necessity of study the Austrian written language in the context of the German literary space. The artistic image of the human in creative work of T. Bernhard, in particular in prose, enters into the system of the inner world and traditions of the Austrian literature of 20 th. century. In addition to that the creative work of T. Bernahrd encloses rather big material to ask conceptual innovatory questions and characteristics of a genealogical paradigm and the reception problem of the Austrian prose. The creative work of T. Bernhard is determined by the search of the most felicitous reception model, it means transformation of the life experience as the formation preconditions of an artistic particularity of his characters and the model of individualized reality reception of the art. The interest to the text structures of different cultural and ideological practical work firmly established sense concepts and stereotypes, combination of the universally adopted rhetorical receptions, conventional construction ways of the plot line. Manifestations of the inner and outer conflicts connected with an influence of the surrounding upon the artist and vice versa play fundamental role in the literary process of the 20 th. century.

Authors and Affiliations

Oleksandr Okolovych


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Oleksandr Okolovych (2017). ОСОБЛИВОСТІ РОЗВИТКУ АВСТРІЙСЬКО-НІМЕЦЬКОГО ЛІТЕРАТУРНОГО ПРОСТОРУ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(17), 63-68. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-432866