Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 19
У статті йдеться про особливості моделювання художньої реальності в повісті «Одеса-мама» відомого українського письменника Андрія М’ястківського (1924–2003). З’ясовано, що автор з метою відображення Голодомору 1932–1933 років в Україні побудував сюжет на прикладі однієї сім’ї. Головний персонаж – школяр, через якого подаються події та обставини, пережиті самим автором. Для тексту характерна увага до художньої деталі, психологізм, реалістична стилістика. Відображені час і простір типологічні з іншими текстами українських письменників, що оповідають про Голодомор як одну з найбільших українських трагедій. The article deals with the peculiarities of the creation of artistic reality in the story «Odesa-Mama» of the famous Ukrainian writer Andriy Myastkivsky (1924–2003). The events of the story unfold during the Holodomor of 1932–1933 in Ukraine. The plot is based on the example of one family. The main character – a schoolboy, through him the events and the circumstances which the author survived are presented. He was of the same age in the years of the tragedy, as was his character Maxymko, when in Ukraine millions were dying of hunger. The analysis of the plot and composition of the novel and the biography of the writer lead to the conclusion that the writer's experience, his personal impressions and experiences were of great importance for the creation the text about Holodomor of 1932–1933 in Ukraine. Hunger is the central theme of the story, around which there are other problems: the causes of hunger, the death from hunger and others. The most important problem is the lack of food. In order to conquer the Ukrainian peasantry, the Bolshevik authorities carried out a violent policy: not only grain but also all that was edible was removed from the villages. The writer showed how the child searched the food; in order to survive, he had to eat the worms, frogs, mice, leeches. A. Myastkivsky's dominant feature of author's style is a realistic style. So the main discourse of the novel is focused on life's truth. The author draws dreams into the plot of the work. In dreams the character sees what accompanies him in the hungry reality: there is no food and there is no hope to find something. The scales of the dead are shown. The mother of the boy died from starvation. Many of his classmates died. The nature is in harmony with the mood of the characters. And it is psychologically motivated. A dream is served as a symbol. This is, for example, a dream about where you can survive. That city-dream is Odesa. But in fact, the boy does not find a salvation there, because the city is also hungry. The author shows that in the cities bread was given by the cards, but only to the urban residents. The psychological state of the hungry is revealed. Sometimes the people are not afraid of death, but perceive it as a release from the torment of hunger. Often humor’s verses are present, which is given a political assessment of the actions of the authorities. The author showes the facts of cannibalism what was in reality. The feeling of constant hunger is transmitted with signs of a naturalistic style. The text is characterized by the attention to the artistic detail, to the problem the artistic time and space.
Authors and Affiliations
Тетяна Іванівна Конончук
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