Особливості вивчення особистості злочинця з психічними аномаліями в процесі розслідування зґвалтування
Journal Title: Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ - Year 2015, Vol 70, Issue 3
Розглянуто проблеми вивчення особистості злочинця з психічними аномаліями, який вчинив зґвалтування, з урахуванням їх міждисциплінарного характеру. Висвітлено способи встановлення ознак психічних розладів і найбільш розповсюджених способів їх симуляції. Спрогнозовано можливі варіанти поведінки злочинця з урахуванням наявних у нього дефектів психіки. Рассмотрены проблемы изучения личности преступника с психическими аномалиями, совершившего изнасилование, с учётом их междисциплинарного характера. Освещены способы установления признаков психических расстройств и наиболее распространенные способы их симуляции. Спрогнозированы возможные варианты поведения преступника с учётом имеющихся у него дефектов психики. mental abnormalities while investigating rapes Despite the active research of the problem concerning the personality of an offender with mental abnormalities who committed rape, it remains valid until nowadays. The relevant is the problem, which concerns the fact that those people who carry out the investigation, do not pay enough attention to the study of individual’s personality with mental abnormalities, who committed rape; do not have the techniques to establish features of mental disorders; can not predict the possible behavior of the offender, taking into account the existing mental defects and effectively use tactics both in conflict and non-conflict situations during specific investigation actions. Thus, the objective of the research is the study of individual’s personality with mental abnormalities, who committed rape; the ways to establish features of mental disorders and the most common methods of their simulation; predicting possible criminal’s conduct. During the research the author has allocated some features of mental disorders, which are detected within communication with a person and conduct’s characteristics, which should be considered by an investigator during the investigation (search) actions with an offender with mental abnormalities while investigating rapes. The types of rapists depending on their mental state are offered. These types can be divided into two groups: persons with various mental anomalies and pathological manifestations of sexual desire (fetishism, exhibitionism, sadism) and those with no pathological changes in the mind and sexual sphere (alcoholics, drug addicts and others). The author has taken into account that the presence of a mental disorder will affect the features of planning, organization of investigation of the committed crime, namely on the sequence of certain investigative (search) actions and use while their realization of some tactical and psychological techniques.
Authors and Affiliations
S. M. Lozova
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