Особливості впливу процесів регіональної інтеграції на конкурентоспроможність країн Європи


У статті розглянуто характерні риси інтеграційних процесів в Європейському регіоні. Проаналізовано взаємозв’язок інтеграції з конкурентоспроможністю економіки країн. Визначено позитивні та негативні наслідки розвитку регіональної інтеграції в країнах Європи. Розраховано показники, що характеризують стан конкурентоспроможності європейського регіону. The article highlights peculiarities of present world economic cooperation. It states, that interactions between countries are result of technological progress. Moreover, author emphasizes, that regional integration and globalization are inevitable part of present day world. The main problem, which was analyzed in the article, is a measure of regional integration impact on economic competitiveness. The source of research is based on dynamic changes in European countries during the period from 1995 till 2016. Author trying to make a forecast for the future integration development and probable negative consequences. In combination with previous researches and present statistical sources, became possible to create a tendency model, count effective coefficients, that bring an excellent result of analysis in dynamic changes of main indexes, which complement economic competitiveness. As the result of this research, author trying to emphasize a necessity of strategic planning and control. Nevertheless, it is hard to bring this control to a complete level, because otherwise it affects a sovereignty of particular country. Moreover, author dwells upon positive effect of regional integration increase, because it leads to creation of united economic area, where is no more barriers between countries and only a strong competition, which bring a great contribution for growth of GDP per capita. In this article described a main pillar of economic competitiveness. Moreover, author made a research of particular economic spheres. He brings dynamic calculation of changes in trade, foreign direct investment flows during extension and intensification of integration in European region. In addition to forecast of economic trends in this article provided indexes, that stipulate analysis necessity. All these coefficients emphasized a big role of European region in the world economy. Author trying to measure volumes of trade and investment intensity in biggest regions of the world as it shows superiority of European region compared to others. In conclusion of research, author describes a possible state of affairs in a future world economy. He states, that with technological development a question of stable growth will get a much bigger role, because, anyway, integration leads to united world economy without distinct regional differentiation. Author emphasized a big role of strategical regulation in integrated economies, otherwise, globalization and regional development without perfect control will leads to resource concentration in one part of region and its scarcity in another. Moreover, he tells, that strategical policy should be made by international organization, which provide objective control.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Bezzubchenko


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How To Cite

O. Bezzubchenko (2017). Особливості впливу процесів регіональної інтеграції на конкурентоспроможність країн Європи. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 7(14), 149-158. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-427600