Pain syndrome dynamic in patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures: analysis of 27 balloon kyphoplasties

Journal Title: Medicina bolu - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 4


Introduction. There is a high risk of vertebral fractures in case of osteoporosis. It significantly worsens the quality of patients’ life. This is primarily due to persistent pain syndrome. Research object. To study the pain syndrome dynamics and social adaptation of patients with osteoporotic compression fractures who were operated with the use of percutaneous balloon kyphoplasty. Materials and Methods. The treatment of 27 patients with thoracolumbar osteoporotic uncomplicated fractures are analyzed. In 31 % of cases there was a two-level compression, in 69 % – a single-level compression. Unipedicular access was performed in 8 patients, and bipedular access – in 19 patients. McGill and Oswestry scales were used to evaluate the results of the operation. Results. There were not clinically significant complications. All patients show decrease in the intensity of pain syndrome and greater social adaptation. Most clearly, this dynamics was traced on the first day after surgery. Resume. The use of balloon kyphoplasty can reduce pain syndrome and improve social adaptation of patients.

Authors and Affiliations

V. I. Smolanka, V. M. Fedurtsya, B. B. Pavlov


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How To Cite

V. I. Smolanka, V. M. Fedurtsya, B. B. Pavlov (2017). Pain syndrome dynamic in patients with osteoporotic vertebral fractures: analysis of 27 balloon kyphoplasties. Medicina bolu, 2(4), 83-87.