Paraschiva-Victoria Batariuc (13 January 1948 – 17 June 2016)
Journal Title: Arheologia Moldovei - Year 2016, Vol 39, Issue 1
Paraschiva-Victoria Batariuc (13 January 1948 – 17 June 2016)
Authors and Affiliations
Constantin-Emil Ursu
Paraschiva-Victoria Batariuc (13 January 1948 – 17 June 2016)
Constantin-Emil Ursu
The destruction of Armenian churches in 1551 in Moldavia documented by the finds of 2000-2001 archaeological campaign in the Dormition church (Armenian) in Botoșani
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Eugen Sava at 60 years
Experimental (re)construction and use of a Late Cucuteni-Trypillia kiln
This paper describes an archaeological experiment which took place in September 2017 in Stolniceni, Edineț County, Republic of Moldova, based on the recent discovery, in the Cucuteni-Trypillia site from the locality, of...
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In 2012-2013, during the archaeological research conducted in the city of Roman (Neamţ County), at the “at the Library” point, 16 coins were discovered in two closed complexes (two workshops – A.1 and A.2). The coins fou...